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8 Morning Habits to a Better Quality of Life

The first 10 minutes after you wake up is the most influential time of your day, so it’s important to have a mindful routine and method in place to make sure your mind and body are happy from the start.

  1. NO SNOOZE: Choose a time to wake up, and tell yourself that the snooze button isn’t an option
  2. STRETCH: Stretching in the morning has several health benefits, including muscle and joint flexibility, stress relief and improved circulation.
  3. WATER: About 60% of your body is made of water and after sleeping 7-8 hours without water, your parched body is practically begging to be replenished. Drink a large glass as soon as you wake up (it’s best to add lemon juice to it, which helps to flush out toxins from sleeping).
  4. BREAKFAST: Don’t skip it! It’s the most important meal of the day, the one which kick starts your metabolism and delivers energy throughout the day.
  5. MUSIC: Listen to any kind of music that makes you feel good so you can start your day in a positive mood!
  6. NO PHONE: Take care of yourself first! E-mails and calls can wait!
  7. READ: Take a few minutes to read a positive, encouraging book in the morning. Soak your mind in inspirational words. This practice can make a big difference in the long term.
  8. MEDITATE: Take a moment to center on yourself in a silent place. For few minutes, close your eyes and observe your breath.

Have a great day!

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