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WHAT IS YOGA? – Laetitia's Channel

Most people think that “yoga” is some kind of fitness exercise or a good way to lose weight. But it’s so much more than that! Yoga is a way of life. The Sanskrit word “yoga” literally means “union”.
It’s the union of the body, soul and mind and finding the balance between all of them.

In the “Yoga Sutra” treatise, Patanjali’s definition of the word “yoga” is “Chitta Vrtti Niroddhah” which means suspension of the modification of the mind field.

8 different limbs form the practice of yoga

– Yama: Moral code (non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, self-control and unselfishness)
– Niyama: Self-purification/self-discipline (cleanliness, contentment, great effort, self-study and faith)
– Asana: Physical yogic posture
– Pranayama: Control of breath/expansion of life force
– Pratyahara: Withdrawal of senses/preparing to increase the power of the mind
– Dharana: Concentration/focus on a single objet
– Dhyana: Deep meditation/observation and reflection
– Samadhi: State of bliss, union, highest state of consciousness

Yoga is Samadhi; Samadhi is the universal attribute of all grounds of the mind field.

Yoga is the journey of the self through the self to the self.
“The Bhagavad”

Yoga is not a practice of achievement; it is an unending process of self-discovery and self-transformation.

Yoga is 1% theory, 99% practice!

So let’s start practicing together!

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